The Mysterious Case of JsBarcode: Why It Doesn’t Work Locally But Runs Smoothly from CDN
Image by Chasida -

The Mysterious Case of JsBarcode: Why It Doesn’t Work Locally But Runs Smoothly from CDN

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Have you ever stumbled upon the infamous “JsBarcode does not work locally, no problems from CDN” conundrum? You’re not alone! Many developers have scratched their heads, wondering why this seemingly simple barcode generator refuses to cooperate when hosted locally. Fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to unravel the mystery behind this frustrating phenomenon.

The Problem: JsBarcode Works from CDN, Not Locally

Let’s set the scene: you’ve downloaded the JsBarcode library, added it to your project, and written the necessary code to generate a barcode. But, to your dismay, it simply doesn’t work when running locally. You’ve checked the code, rechecked the documentation, and even performed the obligatory “turn it off and on again” ritual, but nothing seems to work.

Yet, when you link the JsBarcode library from a CDN (Content Delivery Network), the barcode appears magically, without a hitch. What sorcery is this?

The Root of the Issue: Same-Origin Policy

The culprit behind this puzzle is the same-origin policy, a security feature implemented in web browsers to prevent malicious scripts from accessing sensitive information. This policy dictates that JavaScript files can only access resources from the same origin (domain, protocol, and port) as the web page. When you host JsBarcode locally, it attempts to access resources from a different origin, hence the conflict.

CDNs, on the other hand, are exempt from this policy because they serve files from a different domain, which is allowed by the browser. This is why linking JsBarcode from a CDN works seamlessly.

Solutions to the Problem

Now that we’ve identified the root cause, let’s explore the solutions to get JsBarcode working locally:

You can disable the same-origin policy in your browser by enabling the “Allow file access from files” option. However, this is not recommended, as it compromises your browser’s security.

  • Chrome: Navigate to chrome://flags/#allow-file-access-from-files, enable the flag, and restart the browser.
  • Firefox: Navigate to about:config, search for “security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy”, and set it to false.

2. Use a Local Server

A more secure and recommended approach is to set up a local server to serve your files. This will allow JsBarcode to access resources from the same origin:

Create a new folder for your project, and inside it, create an index.html file with the following code:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script src="jsbarcode.js"></script>
    <div id="barcode"></div>
      var barcode = new JsBarcode("#barcode", "1234567890");

Next, navigate to the project folder in your terminal/command prompt and run a local server using one of the following methods:

  • Python: `python -m http.server 8000` (Python 3.x) or `python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000` (Python 2.x)
  • Node.js: `npx http-server` (install using `npm install -g http-server`)
  • PHP: `php -S localhost:8000` (requires PHP 5.4 or higher)

Open a web browser and navigate to `http://localhost:8000`. Your JsBarcode should now work as expected.

3. Use a CDN or Hosted Version

If you’re not concerned about hosting JsBarcode locally, you can use a CDN or a hosted version:

<script src=""></script>

This approach eliminates the need for a local server, and you can simply link the CDN-hosted file in your HTML.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

JsBarcode Not Rendering

If JsBarcode is not rendering, ensure that:

  • The JavaScript file is correctly linked and loaded.
  • The HTML element where JsBarcode is initialized exists and is accessible.
  • There are no JavaScript errors in the console.

Barcode Not Generating Correctly

If the barcode is not generating correctly, check:

  • The barcode value is valid and correctly encoded.
  • The barcode type is correctly specified (e.g., EAN13, CODE128, etc.).
  • The barcode renderer is correctly set (e.g., svg, canvas, etc.).


The enigmatic “JsBarcode does not work locally, no problems from CDN” issue can be resolved by understanding the same-origin policy and implementing one of the solutions outlined above. Whether you choose to disable same-origin policy (not recommended), use a local server, or link JsBarcode from a CDN, you can get your barcode generator up and running in no time.

Remember, with great power comes great responsibility. Always prioritize browser security and follow best practices when working with JavaScript libraries.

Solution Description
Disable Same-Origin Policy Enable “Allow file access from files” option in the browser (not recommended)
Use a Local Server Set up a local server to serve files, allowing JsBarcode to access resources from the same origin
Use a CDN or Hosted Version Link JsBarcode from a CDN or use a hosted version, eliminating the need for a local server

Now, go forth and barcode like a pro!

Here is the HTML code for 5 Questions and Answers about “JsBarcode does not work locally, no problems from CDN” :

Frequently Asked Questions

Got stuck with JsBarcode not working locally? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

Why does JsBarcode work from CDN but not locally?

JsBarcode uses a technique called “same-origin policy” to load fonts, which can cause issues when loading locally. When you load JsBarcode from a CDN, it bypasses this restriction. To fix the issue, try serving your files over a local server or using a different font loader.

Is there a way to configure JsBarcode to work locally?

Yes, you can! You can configure JsBarcode to use a different font loader or disable the same-origin policy check. Check out the JsBarcode documentation for more information on how to do this.

What are the common issues I might face when using JsBarcode locally?

Some common issues you might face include font loading errors, blank or corrupted barcode images, and JavaScript console errors. These can often be resolved by checking the font paths, file permissions, or SAME_ORIGIN_POLICY settings.

Can I use JsBarcode with a local development server?

Absolutely! Using a local development server like Apache, Nginx, or Node.js can help resolve issues with JsBarcode. This allows you to serve your files over HTTP, which bypasses the same-origin policy restrictions.

What are some alternatives to JsBarcode that work well locally?

If you’re having trouble with JsBarcode, you can consider alternatives like Barcode.js, jQuery Barcode, or tcpdf. These libraries might have different configuration options or font loading mechanisms that work better for your local development setup.

Let me know if you need any changes!