Links(Hyperlinks) inside an SVG not working when the SVG is placed in an img tag in a Bootstrap 5 Modal?
Image by Chasida -

Links(Hyperlinks) inside an SVG not working when the SVG is placed in an img tag in a Bootstrap 5 Modal?

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Are you frustrated with the challenge of making links (hyperlinks) inside an SVG work when it’s placed in an img tag within a Bootstrap 5 Modal? Well, you’re not alone! This issue has been puzzling developers for a while now. But fear not, dear reader, for we have got you covered. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the reasons behind this problem and provide you with clear, step-by-step solutions to overcome it.

Understanding the Problem

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s first understand the nature of the problem. When you place an SVG inside an img tag, the browser treats it as a raster image, rather than an SVG document. This means that any links (hyperlinks) within the SVG are ignored, as the browser doesn’t parse the SVG as an actual document.

Now, when you add this img tag to a Bootstrap 5 Modal, the issue becomes even more complex. The Modal’s default behavior is to append the modal content to the body of the document, which can further complicate the issue of making links inside the SVG work.

Solution 1: Using an object or embed tag instead of img tag

One solution to this problem is to use an object or embed tag instead of the img tag. These tags allow the browser to parse the SVG as a document, rather than a raster image. Here’s an example of how you can use the object tag:

<object data="your-svg-file.svg" type="image/svg+xml">
    <!-- fallback content -->

Or, you can use the embed tag:

<embed src="your-svg-file.svg" type="image/svg+xml" />

By using either of these tags, you’ll be able to make links inside the SVG work. However, keep in mind that older browsers may not support these tags, so you’ll need to ensure you have adequate fallbacks in place.

Bootstrap 5 Modal Considerations

When using these tags within a Bootstrap 5 Modal, you’ll need to ensure that the Modal’s content is properly appended to the body of the document. You can achieve this by adding the following JavaScript code:

    $(document).ready(function() {
        $('#myModal').on('', function () {
            $('#myModal').find('object, embed').each(function() {
                var SVGDocument = this.contentDocument;
                var SVGRoot = SVGDocument.documentElement;
                SVGRoot.setAttribute("xmlns", "");

Solution 2: Using an iframe to embed the SVG

Another approach to making links inside an SVG work is to embed the SVG using an iframe. This method can be particularly useful if you need to support older browsers. Here’s an example of how you can use an iframe:

<iframe src="your-svg-file.svg" frameborder="0" width="100%" height="100%">
    <!-- fallback content -->

By using an iframe, you’ll be able to make links inside the SVG work, as the browser will parse the SVG as a separate document. However, keep in mind that this method can add extra overhead, as the browser will need to load the SVG as a separate document.

Bootstrap 5 Modal Considerations

When using an iframe within a Bootstrap 5 Modal, you’ll need to ensure that the Modal’s content is properly appended to the body of the document. You can achieve this by adding the following JavaScript code:

    $(document).ready(function() {
        $('#myModal').on('', function () {
            $('#myModal').find('iframe').each(function() {
                this.contentWindow.document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
                    var SVGDocument = this.document;
                    var SVGRoot = SVGDocument.documentElement;
                    SVGRoot.setAttribute("xmlns", "");

Solution 3: Using JavaScript to dynamically create the SVG

Another approach to making links inside an SVG work is to use JavaScript to dynamically create the SVG. This method can be particularly useful if you need to generate the SVG on the fly, or if you need to support a wide range of browsers. Here’s an example of how you can use JavaScript to create an SVG:

<div id="svg-container"></div>

    var svgContainer = document.getElementById("svg-container");
    var svg = document.createElementNS("", "svg");
    svg.setAttribute("width", "100%");
    svg.setAttribute("height", "100%");

    var link = document.createElementNS("", "a");
    link.setAttribute("href", "");
    link.setAttribute("target", "_blank");

    var text = document.createElementNS("", "text");
    text.textContent = "Click me!";



By using JavaScript to dynamically create the SVG, you’ll be able to make links inside the SVG work, as the browser will parse the SVG as a regular document. However, keep in mind that this method can be more complex, and may require additional JavaScript code to handle events and interactions.

Bootstrap 5 Modal Considerations

When using JavaScript to dynamically create the SVG within a Bootstrap 5 Modal, you’ll need to ensure that the Modal’s content is properly appended to the body of the document. You can achieve this by adding the following JavaScript code:

    $(document).ready(function() {
        $('#myModal').on('', function () {
            var svgContainer = document.getElementById("svg-container");
            var svg = svgContainer.querySelector("svg");
            svg.setAttribute("xmlns", "");


In conclusion, making links inside an SVG work when it’s placed in an img tag within a Bootstrap 5 Modal can be a challenging task. However, by using one of the three solutions outlined above – using an object or embed tag, using an iframe, or using JavaScript to dynamically create the SVG – you can overcome this challenge and create interactive SVGs that work seamlessly within a Bootstrap 5 Modal.

Remember to test your implementation thoroughly, and ensure that you have adequate fallbacks in place for older browsers. With these solutions, you’ll be able to create engaging and interactive SVGs that delight your users and enhance their overall experience.

Solution Pros Cons
Using object or embed tag Easy to implement, supports modern browsers May not support older browsers, can be affected by Modal’s default behavior
Using an iframe Supports older browsers, easy to implement Can add extra overhead, may affect Modal’s default behavior
Using JavaScript to dynamically create the SVG Flexible, supports a wide range of browsers Can be complex, requires additional JavaScript code

By following the solutions outlined in this guide, you’ll be able to overcome the challenge of making links inside an SVG work when it’s placed in an img tag within a Bootstrap 5 Modal. Remember to test your implementation thoroughly, and ensure that you have adequate fallbacks in place for older browsers.

  • Use an object or embed tag to enable links inside the SVG.
  • Use an iframe to embed the SVG and enable links.
  • Use JavaScript to dynamically create the SVG and enable links.

With these solutions, you’ll be able to create engaging and interactive SVGs that delight your users and enhance their overall experience. Happy coding!

  1. Place the SVG in an object or embed tag.
  2. Use an iframe to embed the SVG.
  3. Use JavaScript to dynamically create the SVG.

Remember to test your implementation thoroughly, and ensure that you have adequate fallbacks in place for older browsers. With these solutions, you’ll be able to overcome the challenge of making links inside an SVG work when it’s placed in an img tag within a Bootstrap 5 Modal.

Here are the 5 Questions and Answers about “Links(Hyperlinks) inside an svg not working when the svg is placed in an img tag in a Bootstrap 5 Modal”:

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to your most pressing questions about links inside an SVG not working when placed in an img tag in a Bootstrap 5 Modal.

Why don’t links inside my SVG work when I use it as an img tag in a Bootstrap 5 Modal?

This is because the img tag is used to display an image, and the browser doesn’t parse the SVG contents as HTML, so the links inside the SVG are not clickable. Instead, use an object or inline SVG to make the links clickable.

How can I make the links inside my SVG clickable when used in an img tag in a Bootstrap 5 Modal?

You can’t make the links clickable when using an img tag. Instead, use an object tag or an inline SVG, and wrap the SVG contents in a div with a pointer-events property set to none, so the clicks are passed to the links.

Will using an object tag instead of an img tag solve the link issue in my Bootstrap 5 Modal?

Yes, using an object tag instead of an img tag can solve the link issue, as the browser will parse the SVG contents as HTML, making the links clickable. However, be aware that older browsers might not support object tags.

Can I use an inline SVG instead of an img or object tag to make the links clickable in my Bootstrap 5 Modal?

Yes, using an inline SVG is another way to make the links clickable. You can include the SVG code directly in your HTML, and wrap the SVG contents in a div with a pointer-events property set to none, so the clicks are passed to the links.

Are there any other considerations I should keep in mind when using links inside an SVG in a Bootstrap 5 Modal?

Yes, be aware that some browsers might have issues with clickable links inside SVGs, and that using an inline SVG or object tag can affect the layout and styling of your Modal. Always test your implementation in different browsers and devices.

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