Pine Script Array Syntax: Unlocking the Power of ROC on Multiple Instruments
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Pine Script Array Syntax: Unlocking the Power of ROC on Multiple Instruments

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Welcome to the world of Pine Script, where technical analysis meets coding mastery! In this article, we’ll delve into the fascinating realm of array syntax and explore how to display Rate of Change (ROC) on multiple instruments, such as Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), and more.

Why ROC Matters

Before we dive into the coding aspect, let’s quickly cover why ROC is an essential tool for traders and analysts. ROC measures the percentage change in a security’s price over a specified period, providing valuable insights into momentum, trends, and potential reversals.

The Problem: Multiple Instruments, Multiple Scripts

When working with multiple instruments, the traditional approach would be to create separate scripts for each symbol, resulting in a cluttered workspace and inefficient code management. But fear not, dear Pine Script enthusiast! We’re about to revolutionize your workflow with the power of array syntax.

Understanding Pine Script Array Syntax

Arrays in Pine Script are essentially containers that hold a collection of values. By leveraging array syntax, we can store multiple instruments in a single array, making it easy to perform calculations and display results on multiple symbols.

indicator("ROC Array Syntax")

// Step 1: Declare an array to store symbols
var symbols = ["BTCUSD", "ETHUSD", "LTCUSD"]

// Step 2: Create a function to calculate ROC
rocFunc(sym) => 
    roc = ta.roc(close, 14)
    plot(roc, title="ROC ("+ sym +")")

// Step 3: Loop through the array and apply the function
for sym in symbols

Breaking Down the Code

* In the first step, we declare an array `symbols` and populate it with our desired instruments (in this case, BTCUSD, ETHUSD, and LTCUSD).
* In the second step, we define a function `rocFunc` that takes a single argument `sym`. This function calculates the ROC for the specified symbol using the `ta.roc` function and plots the result.
* In the third step, we use a `for` loop to iterate through the `symbols` array, applying the `rocFunc` function to each element.

Displaying ROC on Multiple Instruments

Now that we’ve mastered the array syntax, let’s take it to the next level by displaying ROC on multiple instruments.

indicator("ROC Array Syntax with Multiple Instruments")

// Step 1: Declare an array to store symbols
var symbols = ["BTCUSD", "ETHUSD", "LTCUSD"]

// Step 2: Create a function to calculate ROC
rocFunc(sym) => 
    roc = ta.roc(close, 14)[0], roc, bar_index, roc, bgcolor=color.rgb(255, 255, 255, 50))

// Step 3: Loop through the array and apply the function
for sym in symbols

// Step 4: Add a legend to display instrument names
var legend = ""
for sym in symbols
    legend += " " + sym + " "[0], 0, bar_index, 0, bgcolor=color.rgb(255, 255, 255, 50), border_color=color.rgb(0, 0, 0, 0), text=legend)

What’s New?

In this updated code, we’ve added a few new elements to enhance the visualization:

* We’re now using the `` function to create a box for each ROC calculation, which allows us to display the results more clearly.
* We’ve added a legend to the chart by concatenating the instrument names into a single string and displaying it in a box at the top of the chart.

Customizing the Appearance

Pine Script offers a wide range of customization options to suit your visual preferences. Let’s explore a few ways to tailor the appearance of our ROC display.

Colors and Styles

You can modify the colors and styles of the boxes, plots, and legend to match your personal preferences.[0], roc, bar_index, roc, bgcolor=color.rgb(0, 128, 255, 50), border_color=color.rgb(255, 255, 255, 0))

Table Display

Instead of using boxes, we can display the ROC values in a table format.

indicator("ROC Array Syntax with Table Display")

// Step 1: Declare an array to store symbols
var symbols = ["BTCUSD", "ETHUSD", "LTCUSD"]

// Step 2: Create a function to calculate ROC
rocFunc(sym) => 
    roc = ta.roc(close, 14)
    table.cell(table_id, 0, 0, sym, bgcolor=color.rgb(255, 255, 255, 50))
    table.cell(table_id, 1, 0, tostring(roc), bgcolor=color.rgb(255, 255, 255, 50))

// Step 3: Loop through the array and apply the function
var table_id = = position.top_right)
for sym in symbols


With the power of Pine Script array syntax, we’ve successfully displayed ROC on multiple instruments, streamlining our workflow and enhancing our technical analysis capabilities.

  • Arrays allow us to store multiple values in a single container.
  • We can use functions to perform calculations and apply them to each element in the array.
  • Customization options abound, enabling us to tailor the appearance of our ROC display to suit our preferences.

Next Steps

Now that you’ve mastered Pine Script array syntax, the possibilities are endless! Consider exploring other technical indicators, such as RSI, Bollinger Bands, or Stochastic Oscillator, and applying them to multiple instruments using arrays.

Challenges and Opportunities

* How can you adapt this code to display ROC on multiple time frames or resolutions?
* What other technical indicators can you apply to multiple instruments using arrays?
* Can you integrate this code with other Pine Script features, such as alerts or conditional statements?

The world of Pine Script is full of possibilities, and with the power of array syntax, you’re limited only by your imagination!

Get Involved

Join the Pine Script community and share your creations, ask questions, or provide feedback on this article.

Symbol ROC (14)
BTCUSD 123.45
ETHUSD 67.89
LTCUSD 34.56

Note: The code snippets provided are for illustration purposes only and may require modifications to work in your Pine Script environment.

Frequently Asked Question

Are you struggling to display the Rate of Change (ROC) on multiple instruments like BTC, ETH, and more using Pine Script array syntax? Well, you’re in luck! Here are some answers to your most pressing questions.

Q1: What is the basic syntax to create an array of instruments in Pine Script?

To create an array of instruments, you can use the following syntax: `var symbols = [“BTC”, “ETH”, “BTCUSDT”]`. This creates an array of strings containing the symbols you want to display the ROC for.

Q2: How do I loop through the array of instruments to calculate the ROC for each symbol?

You can use a `for` loop to iterate through the array of symbols and calculate the ROC for each one. For example: `for symbol in symbols { roc = roc(close, 14) }`. This will calculate the ROC for each symbol in the array.

Q3: How do I display the ROC values for each symbol in a single chart?

You can use the `plot()` function to display the ROC values for each symbol. For example: `plot(roc, “ROC”)`. This will create a single chart with the ROC values for each symbol in the array.

Q4: Can I customize the appearance of the ROC chart for each symbol?

Yes, you can customize the appearance of the ROC chart for each symbol by using various `plot()` options, such as color, linewidth, and style. For example: `plot(roc, “ROC”,, linewidth=2)`. This will change the color and linewidth of the ROC chart for each symbol.

Q5: What if I want to display the ROC values for each symbol in separate charts?

You can use the `newchart()` function to create separate charts for each symbol. For example: `for symbol in symbols { newchart() plot(roc, “ROC”) }`. This will create a separate chart for each symbol in the array, displaying the ROC values for each one.

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